I am Me o.O

Age 32, Male

Owner - Blak Tornado

No. College.


Joined on 4/7/06

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Random Violence

Posted by BlakTornado - December 31st, 2007

Why does our culture love violence?

I mean, yeah, I put some in my movies but it's proven that the violence gets me a better, more positive audience reaction. Why is this? If anything, I find most violence rather disturbing to the most part... and not being a violent person I'm not all that appealed by it, myself... But really, what makes people enjoy watching it? (Feel free to answer in the comments.)

Here are a list of my Movies with some sort of violence in:

(2006) Claytime - 2.56
(2006) Clayman Eating Monster - 2.79
(2006) The Creator 2 (I think) - 2.92
(2006) Bowling - 2.82
(2006) The Bus Stop - 2.71
(2006) WSSH 4/5 - 3.29
(2006) WSSH 1/5 - 3.34 (Daily 4th)
(2006) WSSH 5/5 - 3.45
(2006) Time Traveller - 3.41
(2007) Valentines - 3.30
(2007) Claytime 2 - 3.40
(2007) Easter Rabbit - 3.27
(2007) T.D.I.C 2 - 3.47 (Daily 5th)
(2007) Teenagers - 3.32
(2007) We're Transformers too - 3.52
(2007) Birthday Surprise - 3.46
(2007) Mr.Patterson - 3.47
(2007) Actually - 3.40 (Front Page)
(2007) Robot - 3.55
(2007) Z-z-Zombies - 3.62 - Most Violent, best Score
(2007) Dentist - 3.56 (Daily 5th)
(2007) Happy New Christmas - 3.51

Ok, I know that's most of them but it strikes me odd how ALL of my awards and my highest scoring submissions have violence, and most of the ones that don't have average scores compared to the ones that do. (I know 2.56 isn't good but for a guy who hadn't been doing Claymation that long (And this is Claymation, after all), I think that's pretty good!)

But really, why is this so? Why does seeing others in pain make us feel good? It's slightly saddening really, how our societies laugh at each other's pain (whether it's real or not) when it's socially unacceptable to actually go around beating each other up and killing each other.

Eh. At least I get good ratings because of it, lol. Expect more violence in the coming year (or not) :P Merry new year!


You know, it's a good question. The things that sell are sex, violence, and music (which is usually about sex or violence). Sexual desire is natural, but violence is different. I think people like the idea of being able to fight with no consequences. I mean, I play Halo, but I'd never go out in real life and start having gun-fights. I think another reason may be that we tend to be drawn to that which is wrong or bad. Either way, so long as the violence remains in the games/movies/etc., it is fine with me. In fact, studies have shown that releasing frustration by playing violent video games actually lowers your anger level and likelihood of hurting someone. So due to that, I see no wrong in violent movies or games, just so long as those movies or games don't make violence seem like a good thing to do. I mean, most games have an evil army/villain/etc., and the main character fights them to protect others or out of self-defense.

But yeah, violence does sell. These days, people will see you as "uncool" if you aren't violent, or aren't a womanizer. Myself, I don't really care what others think of me. See, I do what I want, say what I want, enjoy what I like to enjoy, etc., with the only rules being... 1, The things I do cannot hurt either myself, nor others. Other than that, I live my life with my own favorite things, regardless of what is "in" or "cool." Too many young people see life as a game nowadays. I see life as the most important thing on this planet, not some game where everyone can be bunched into a cookie-cutter and grouped together, exactly the same as each other.

Wow. I think you're spot on. As you said, most films and games don't glorify violence... but there are the few that do and I think those have helped fuel the darker culture we have now which goes out getting too drunk to walk every night, and beating people up just because they're wearing a band T-Shirt. I'm not sure if that happens outside of England but it happens too much, here.

I feel exactly the same. If we can't do what we want to do (within reason) because society and other people are telling us not to then we may as well just become sardines in a sardine can. I don't object to anyone doing anything if it doesn't harm myself or others.
But as you said about the young people, they take things too far. As I mentioned earlier, they beat people up because of they way the dress. They make a fist before they think. Over here, I've heard stories of them mocking the police to their face and then running away - and that was a 12 year old 'bragging' about it. I guess this is why a large percent of the youth culture spends their time on the internet now (Me included, unfortunately) because at least on the internet, some idiot isn't going to physically hurt you.
Oh well...