I am Me o.O

Age 32, Male

Owner - Blak Tornado

No. College.


Joined on 4/7/06

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I did it!

Posted by BlakTornado - December 30th, 2007

I made 20 shorts this year :)

I'm pleased. I managed to reach my goal (technically I actually made 21 shorts as I didn't finish "last year's" Christmas short until January).


Not so pressured anymore :)

I hope for those who have stuck with me this year have found this to be a good year for my work, like I think it has been, and that 2008 will be push the bar higher than this year has done.

Looking back over the year, I think that each episode has changed the rest of the series in some description. While making the little compilation at the end of my new short, I got to see my very first 2007 short (the one classed as first, at least) contrasted to my last and the change is phenomenal. Not as steep as the first and last 2006 episodes, but definitely a very steep contrast in terms of how it's progressed, the quality and editing.
This year has also been the most progressive year in my 'career' since my fanbase has almost doubled in size. On Youtube I have almost 70 subscribers (69 to be precise) and on here, I have 37. I know that isn't a lot compared to, say, Knox but for a 'newbie' into the online claymation game who is only ever really going to be in Knox's shadow, I would say that's very good. It's more than a class full of people at my school, which really makes it hard to put into perspective for me since I could never imagine that number of people having positive feelings to me or my work... yet I do. It's strange.
I guess a lot of this is helped by my connections. I'm a very well known member on Knox's forum (I was a moderator in the past year, too, which helped boost public awareness) so I have gained a lot of support from them, an obvious appreciator for claymation. And with Knox not really doing much Klayworld related this year, I've been able to even move some fans more into my direction than his (Not that I really want to do that as we have to help each other out in this 'game').
I've also been featured on Newgrounds front page too, which I am very grateful for. It not only gained me a modest amount of interest from potential fans who had never found my stuff before, but let me get feedback from people who didn't necessarily like my style... and that taught me a lot (Mainly to try not to make crappy animations because on the one chance you get featured, it's gonna be the animation that leaves the worst impression).
2007 was also a profit making year for me, too (LOL). I made a total of about £3 off two CDs I sold (The rest went on manufacturing, postage and packaging). But without sites like these, I wouldn't have actually made that money and I would be £3 poorer than I am now.
If I was religious, I would say "God Bless 2007"... but I'm not so I'll just say that 2007 was awesome but lets hope 2008 is better!

Ok, enough rambling about 2007 and time to share some plans for 2008.

In 2008, I hope to make a Clayground Vol. 1 DVD. Now that I have my Mac (woo!), I can start work on it as Flash is so much faster than on my old PC, meaning that I can export my old 2006 animations that were made in Flash into a format that can be put on a DVD. I hope to add commentaries to the animations, too and be releasing the DVD in a double disk box, which I'm estimating will be on Sale in the third quarter of next year. I also plan to make some animations specially for it, and hopefully a behind the scenes video of some sort. Should be good :)
I also hope to start my Clayground Movie, which I have been writing. So far so good and since I'm writing it in advance, I can get advice from other people about what to add and what to remove to hopefully make it the best darn movie I can make! This is going to be something to be proud of.
I can't give a synopsis yet, but I'm sure you'll love it... and I hope to make lots of trailers to keep you all on the edge of your seats until the DVD arrives in the mail! (Mainly because it's the most fun part of the feature film making process!)

So bring on 2008!

Have a happy new year :D

And don't forget to check out my new short *cough*



good job on making 20 shorts. I made about... lets see... 6 claymations in 2007. But I submitted 21 things to NG (with 1 being a collab with Chris P. and 2 being crappy clock day submissions and the rest being crappy flashes, which each were made in less than two hours).

All of your stuff is awsome. Keep it up and I hope '08 is even better! You've got me motivated to make more claymations now. I'm currently animating right now and I'm taking a break to comment this. (I hope to finish my new claymation before midnight (so I can have 7 claymations this year).

I hope I can compete with you in 2008... but you're fast at making claymations... so let's see what will happen...


lol 21 is good! xD even if they weren't all the best they could be lol xD

Good luck with your animationings too :) I hope you get it finished xD

yeah we will :) - wait, compete in a non-violent way, right? D: